interested in pain & behaviour?

you’re in the right place!

Dynamic Dog Assessment

  • golden retriever resting their head on a person's laptop

    A virtual service, perfect for nervous & reactive dogs who struggle at the vet or in clinical settings.

  • golden retriever lays on the floor and eats from a metal bowl

    An in depth look into multiple aspects of your specific dog's environment & routine.

  • A comprehensive report, empowering you to make thoughtful decisions for your dog's care.

professional consultations

for R+ trainers

Clients plateauing in training?

Worried that underlying pain is a contributing factor, but aren’t sure how to address it in your training plan?

Or would you like a second opinion to confirm your uncertain suspicions? I can help you help your clients!

Not sure how to bring up pain?

Telling clients that their beloved dogs might be in pain, especially chronic pain is never easy.

But having a plan for supporting them through the process makes everything a little easier for everyone.

Jamie Whitehead

Trainer and Pain Specialist

Jamie is a certified Dynamic Dog Practitioner.

Her passion is at the intersection of pain, behaviour, and force free training.